Drawever Developer Documentation

Drawever provides a set of tools that you can use to create amazing content. You can use these tools in your mobile app, website, or other services. To use these tools, you need to create an API key from your profile page. You can use this API key in your requests to access the tools.

How to get an API key?

To get an API key, you need to create an account on Drawever. After , and create an API key. You can use the API key in your requests to access the tools.

Drawever Api Key for Developers

How to use the tools?

You can use the tools by sending a POST request to the /api/tools/execute endpoint. You need to include your API key in the Authorization header. The body of the request should contain the tool name and the payload. The payload should contain the required parameters for the tool.

Photo to Anime

To convert a photo to an anime image, you can send a POST request to the /api/tools/execute endpoint. You need to include your API key in the Authorization header. The body of the request should contain the tool name "/ai/photo-to-anime" and the payload. The payload should contain the image in base64 format.

Request Example

POST https://www.drawever.com/api/tools/execute
Authorization: Bearer {your-api-key}

    "tool": "/ai/photo-to-anime",
    "payload": {
        "image": "data:image/jpg;base64,..."

Response Example


Text to Image

To generate an image from text, you can send a POST request to the /api/tools/execute endpoint. You need to include your API key in the Authorization header. The body of the request should contain the tool name "/ai/text-to-image" and the payload. The payload should contain the text prompt.

Request Example

POST https://www.drawever.com/api/tools/execute
Authorization: Bearer {your-api-key}

    "tool": "/ai/text-to-image",
    "payload": {
        "text": "your_prompt_text"

Response Example



If there is an error in the request, the API will return an error response. The error response will contain the error message and the status code.

Error Response Example

    "error": "Invalid API key"

We are constantly adding new tools to Drawever. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.

Data safety

We take data safety very seriously. We do not store any images or text generated by the tools. We only store the API key and the usage statistics for billing purposes.

Drawever is a marketplace for high quality design assets. We offer icons, illustrations, photos, fonts and more, on an easy to use platform.

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